Tag: EQ

  • Equity

    Equity may have one of the following meanings, depending the context of the term: 1. paid-in capital plus retained earnings in a businesss entity, like a corporation. 2. the extent of a person's beneficial ownership interest possessed by shareholders in an asset, like a corporation-stock as opposed …

  • Equitable Recoupment

    Equitable Recoupment means:a doctrine applying to a single transaction or item of income that permits a party against whom a tax claim is asserted to defeat the claim by demonstrating the existence of a demand arising from the same transaction….

  • Equalization Board

    Equalization Board means:a government agency that determines the fairness of taxes levied against property. It ensures, for example, that all counties within a state assess property at a uniform rate so that the state can redistribute the tax money on a fair basis….

  • Equipment

    Equipment means:machines or major tools necessary to complete a given task. The major tools a mechanic needs to repair a machine are an example. Equipment must be capitalized and written off over the appropriate recovery period. For example, most equipment may be written off over 7 years using t…