Tag: HI


    Description and Definition of HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Resources See Also Further Reading HIPAA in the West's Tax Law Dictionary HIPAA in "A Dictionary of Taxation"

  • Highly Compensated Employee

    Highly Compensated Employee is used. with regard to cash or deferred arrangements, any employee who: 1. was a 5% or more owner of the employer, 2. received annual compensation from the employer in excess of an indexed amount ($99,000 for 1994), 3. received annual compensation from the employer in ex…

  • Historic Structure

    Historic Structure means:a building that is officially recognized for its historic significance. It has special status under the 1976 Tax Reform Act, which encourages rehabilitation and discourages demolition or substantial alteration of the structure. In 1981 a special tax law allowed a 25% tax…

  • Historic District

    Historic District means:a designated area in which the buildings are considered to have some significant historic character. Such designation makes the area eligible for a tax credit, certain federal assistance programs and protects it from clearance in conjunction with federally sponsored progr…

  • High-low Method

    High-low Method means:a simplified method for determining lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. CONUS localities are divided into two categories: high-cost and low-cost. Instead of using the maximum federal per diem rate, a taxpayer may use the high-low method….

  • Highest and Best Use

    Highest and Best Use means:a real estate appraisal term denoting the legally and physically possible use that, at the time of appraisal, is most likely to produce the greatest net return to the land or buildings over a given period. The term is generally used for <a href="http://lawin.org/Ad-val…

  • Historical Cost

    Historical Cost means:an accounting principle requiring assets to be based on original cost or a substituted basis. A stepped-up basis to fair market value is provided to the heirs upon death of the former owner.U.S. and other Developed Countries International Tax MeaningAmount expended…

  • Hidden Tax

    Hidden Tax means:an indirect tax paid unwittingly by the consumer in the form of a higher price. Hidden taxes are levied on goods at some point in their production or transport before retail sale. For example, the federal tax on an airline ticket is included in the quoted price of the ticket.<h2…