Tax Center Resource
The Encyclopedia of Law Tax Center is a planning resource to offer expert analysis and practice tools from some of the world’s leading tax authorities, along with the rest of the Encyclpedia of Law resources you need in one, integrated Center. The Center consists of:
- Tax Policy Resource. This resource helps users keep abreast of ongoing and emerging issues and assists them in analyzing pronouncements and other actions by major tax, accounting and auditing standard setters.
- Business Operations Abroad Resource. The Business Operations Abroad resource cover business operations in nearly 45 foreign countries from Argentina to Vietnam as well the European Union and the territories and possessions of the United States, plus practice tools and treaties.
- Compensation Planning Resource. The Compensation Planning Resource covers such topics as qualified plans, employee benefits, employment taxes, executive compensation, nonqualified deferred compensation, and more, plus practice tools and commentary and relevant source material.
- Estates, Gifts & Trusts Resource. Contents about estates, gifts and trusts resource that features research, planning and implementation tools on one platform — backed by some of the leading tax professionals. It includes commentary, practice tools and relevant source material.
- Foreign Income Resource. The insights and guidance of the world’s leading international tax professionals plus the research and productivity tools you need – all on one platform. It includes analysis and commentary, practice tools and relevant source material.
- IRS Practice Resource. A comprehensive guide to dealing with the IRS. This practical yet comprehensive service covers IRS procedure from the first stages of an examination through the appeals process and tax collection.
- Real Estate Taxation Resource. This content covers such topics as tax-free exchanges, REITs, mortgages, home offices, vacation homes, cooperatives and condominiums, rehabilitation credit, and low-income housing credit, plus includes practice tools, analysis and commentary, and relevant source material.
- Sales and Use Tax Resource. The Sales & Use Tax Resource focuses on the various aspects of sales & use taxes, including the Streamlined Sales Tax Initiative, drop shipment transactions, and retail sales issues. It includes news and commentary, practice tools and relevant source material.
- State Tax Resource. The content offers topic-driven guidance on related state issues, featuring the analysis and insights of leading state and local tax authorities. It includes analysis and commentary, practice tools and relevant source material.
- Tax-Exempt Organizations Resource. The Tax-Exempt Organizations Resource covers such topics as creating the exempt organization, operating in compliance with IRS standards, avoiding the special excise taxes, limiting the unrelated business income tax, and ensuring that all transactions are carried out in a tax-efficient manner. Also includes practice tools, analysis, commentary and relevant source material.
- Transfer Pricing Resource. The Transfer Pricing Resource focuses on Transfer Pricing Rules & Regulations in the U.S. and key foreign countries from the perspective of top transfer pricing experts. It includes analysis, commentary, practice tools and relevant source material.
- Tax Practice Tools. A comprehensive range of time-saving, practical analytical research and productivity tools, all designed to help you practice more successfully, expand your practice, and increase the value you bring your clients.