Tag: NA

  • Natural Resources

    About Natural Resources: actual and potential forms of wealth supplied by nature, such as coal, oil, wood, water power, and arable land. Many natural resources may be subject to depletion and thus be eligible for a depletion deduction….

  • Natural Business Year

    Natural Business Year means:a fiscal tax year based on the cycle of the given business, rather than a calendar year. The year ends with inventories and activities at a low level, as after winter shipments for a ski manufacturer. Generally, an S corporation must adopt a calendar year, but a fisca…

  • NatWest Case

    NatWest Case By Willard B. Taylor, Esq. Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York, N.Y. In National Westminster Bank, PLC v. U.S.1 (hereafter, “NatWest”), decided on January 15, 2008, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, seemingly ending years of litigation, affirmed decisions of the Claims Court which had held that it would be inconsistent…